Offset vs. Digital Showdown

Get ready for an epic showdown right here in the heart of Malaysia – a face-off between the heavyweights of the printing world: Offset and Digital printing

We'll break down the pros, cons, and everything in between! But first, let us get to know about each of them!

Offset Printing: The Old School Champ
Let's kick things off by paying our respects to the OG, Offset Printing. It's been around since our grandmas wore baju kebayas, and it's still holding its ground. Feast your eyes on this vintage Offset Printing press (this specifically dated 1980s), a true work of mechanical art! Don't  be fooled by the picture, this machine is 27feet long!
(Almost 3x length of my aunty's Viva)

Digital Printing: The Hi-Tech Contender
Now, let's introduce you to the new kid on the block – Digital Printing. This technology is as modern as KL's skyline, and it's changing the game faster than you can say "teh tarik." Check out this sleek and futuristic digital press in action!
The printing is only done in one of the unit, the rest, the finishers, help with binding and folding of the book! Jack of all trades, all in one!


Round 1: Speed and Versatility
Offset Printing, with its meticulous setup, might take a while to warm up, but once it does, it can churn out high volumes like a satay vendor on a Friday night. Digital Printing, on the other hand, is nimble and quick, perfect for those last-minute, same-day print jobs. Small volume jobs such as your 100pcs of little namecards uses digital.

Round 2: Quality and Color Gamut
In the quality and color gamut round, Offset Printing flexes its muscles with stunning, rich colors that pop like a firecracker during Chinese New Year. (Highly dependant on the condition of machine, and the skill of the labour adjusting the colour with their eagle-eye percision). But Digital Printing isn't far behind, offering impressive color consistency and sharpness that'll make your design sing! The technology and software automatically determine what combination of colours to make the best out of it's state-of-the-art technology!

Round 3: Cost and Setup
Here's where the rubber meets the road – cost and setup. Offset Printing requires hefty setup costs, especially for short runs, but it's super economical for large quantities. Digital Printing, on the other hand, has a much lower initial setup cost and is perfect for those smaller, budget-friendly print jobs. Digital has fixed cost of running, while for the cost of Offset, to run 10 versus 10 thousand is the same! 


It's all depends on your need! Whether you're Team Traditional or Team Tech, both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, and they're here to stay. Now, go forth and print with confidence, knowing the right choice for your needs. Till then, keep calm and print on bah!

CCS printing provides both Offset and Digital printing machine that could cater for all your needs! 

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